Update from Cllr Mike Hakata
This week we've received an update on the proposals for the Ladder and Green Lanes from the Deputy Leader of the Council, Mike Hakata. As you may know, the Council's aspirations are to include changes to Green Lanes at the same time as the Ladder proposals - this is something the group previously discussed and we are hugely happy to know this is now part of the Council's intentions. Below is a summary of the key updates on the scheme:
The Council will shortly be publishing its introductory report following its initial 'round 1' engagement (conducted in the spring) into the Ladder and Green Lane active travel proposal.
Given the complexity of Green Lanes being a major route, the Council is proposing that the Ladder/ Green Lane scheme is a permanent intervention, rather than one that is temporary or experimental . This will mean more robust modelling and decision making upfront to understand the interplay between Green Lanes, Endymion and Wightman, among others.
As mentioned by Mike in our meeting, one part of the proposal for Green Lanes will be to permanently remove parking on both sides. This helps with bus routes and gives more space for cycling.
National Road Planning (NRP) are the agency working with the Council to develop the technical proposal for the Ladder/Green Lanes scheme. They are the agency that have worked on the Strand, Aldwych and Oxford Street. Part of their role will be to look at the impact the proposal has on wider regional traffic flows.
NRP will conclude its initial work towards the end of the summer at which point there will be a further engagement process with the local community. HLHS will be involved in this process and we a plan to have posters ready for you to display to show your support for the proposal!
This is obviously hugely exciting news and we are so pleased to see this level of aspiration from the Council - it shows such a commitment to what we have been campaigning for.
We plan to hold a summer HLHS meeting in late August where we will hopefully have NRP present their proposal for the scheme. We will also give an update on continued work to publicise the scheme and generate further local support. Look out for the date in the next few weeks!
Missed our last meeting? You can now our 30 minute Q&A with Cllr Hakata below.